Should we Keep It Simple Stupid? – Tips for storytelling with clarity

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How many times do we hear the phrase Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) uttered in business?  If you work in the modern business environment and you present to colleagues or work on projects, then the likely answer is many.  And often it has the desired effect: reminding you to simplify what you’re explaining so that others understand it. However…

…in the technology environment (and  oftentimes elsewhere) it’s not always the most appropriate command to give. Don’t get me wrong, it’s easy to remember and the meaning is straightforward. The issue I have with this phrase in a technology environment is that when you simplify you can easily over-simplify leading to :
• loss of meaning
• mis-representation of facts
• simply get it wrong.

So, what’s actually required is for the individual in question to add clarity to what they’re saying. If the story is complex, then simplifying it doesn’t always work, which is why we need to find ways to ensure the complexity, i.e. the fundamental meaning doesn’t change, but the way we tell it is better and that calls for clarity. It’s very hard to over-clarify.

Clarity comes from many practices, here are a few:
• Strip out the jargon
• Lose the acronyms
• Pause
• Use shorter sentences
• Pause again
• Be adventurous
• Be blunt
• Pause again.

So if you’re face to face with someone telling you to Keep it simple stupid, don’t punch them for their rudeness; think differently; replace the word ‘simple’ with the word “clear”; and ignore the fact that someone just called you stupid. Then, empowered, help your audience to understand the complexity of what you’re explaining, through the application of clarity.